Prof. Dr. Patricia Ronan
Prof. Dr. Patricia Ronan
Emil-Figge-Str. 50 , Room 3.216
+49 231 755 2904

Recent Publications
- Harrington, K. & P. Ronan (eds.). 2023. Demystifying Corpus Linguistics for English Language Teaching. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ronan, P. 2023. Learning to Teach English as a Foreign Language with Corpus Linguistic Approaches: A Survey of Teacher Training Students’ Attitudes. In: Demystifying Corpus Linguistics for English Language Teaching. Eds. Kieran Harrington & Patricia Ronan London: Palgrave Macmillan. 19 - 37.
- Ronan, P. 2022. Sprachliche Landschaft im Wandel. Ein Beispiel aus Dortmund Hörde. In: Resonanzen // Interventionen. Eds. Alexander Gurdon, Sarah Hübscher & Christopher Kreutchen. Bielefeld: Athena. 33 – 44.
- Berge, Paul, Warsa Melles & Patricia Ronan. 2022. Einstellungen von Lernenden und Lehrenden zu mehrsprachigen Praktiken in Dortmunder Auffangklassen. In: Anne Schröter, Michael Kortmann, Sarah Schulze, Karin Kempfer, Sven Anderson, Gülsen Sevdiren, Janieta Bartz, Christopher Kreutchen (Eds). Inklusion in der Lehramtsausbildung – Lerngegenstände, Interaktionen und Prozesse. Münster: Waxmann. 45-62.
- Ronan, P. & E. Ziegler (eds.). 2022. Language and Identity in Migration Contexts. Oxford: Peter Lang.
- Mertins, B. & P. Ronan (eds.). 2022. ankommen // angekommen (Series: verorten. Räume kultureller Teilhabe. Series editors: Chr. Kreutchen & B. Welzel). Bielefeld: Athena.
- Ronan, P. & W. Melles. 2022. Linguistic Inclusion of School Age Immigrants in Ruhr Valley Schools: A Translanguaging Perspective. In Ronan & Ziegler (eds). Language and Identity in Migration Contexts. Oxford: Peter Lang. 277 - 295.
- Ronan, P. & E. Ziegler. 2022. Language and Identity in Migration Contexts: An Introduction. In Ronan & Ziegler (eds). Language and Identity in Migration Contexts. Oxford: Peter Lang. 1 - 20.
- Ziegler, E. & P. Ronan. 2022. Conclusion: Research Issues and Methodological Challenges. In Ronan & Ziegler (eds). Language and Identity in Migration Contexts. Oxford: Peter Lang. 385 - 398.
- Ronan, P. 2022. Directives and Politeness in SPICE-Ireland Directives and Politeness in SPICE-Ireland. Corpus Pragmatics. DOI 10.1007/s41701-022-00122-x open access:
- Ronan, P. & J. Kirk. 2022. Introduction: Researching Corpus Pragmatics in Irish English. Corpus Pragmatics. open access:
- Ronan, P. 2022. Linguistic Inclusion of School-Age Immigrants in RuhrValley Schools from a Teacher’s Perspective. Eds. Auer, A. and J.Thorburn. Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity. Oxford:Peter Lang (Series: Language, Migration and Identity). 199 – 222.
The languages of Britain and Ireland
Language contact
Language change
Current Projects
- 2019 - 2022 Irish Language Support, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
- 2019-2022 Projektanteil Dortmunder Profil für Inklusionsorientierte Lehrerbildung. Teilprojekt 'Praxisansätze zur sprachlichen Integration von Migrantinnen und Migranten an Schulen im Ruhrgebiet’. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Past Projects
- 2016 - 2019 Irish Language Support, Department of Arts, Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Republik Irland.
- 2016-2019 Projektanteil Dortmunder Profil für Inklusionsorientierte Lehrerbildung (Leitung: Stephan Hussman, Barbara Welzel). Teilprojekt: Sprachliche Integration von jungen Migrantinnen und Migranten an Dortmunder Schulen’. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Monographs / Textbooks:
- Sarah Buschfeld, Patricia Ronan and Manuela Vida-Mannl. In prep. Multilingualism: Sociolinguistic and Acquisitional Perspectives. London: Palgrave/Macmillan Education.
- Ronan, P. 2021. A Short Introduction to Early Irish Literature. Hagen: curach bhán publications.
- Ronan, Patricia. 2012. Make Peace and Take Victory: Support Verb Constructions in Old English in Comparison with Old Irish. NOWELE Supplement Series 24. Odense: University of Southern Denmark.
- Ronan, Patricia. 2006. Aspects of Verbal Noun Constructions in Medieval Irish, Medieval Welsh and Basque. PhD Thesis, NUI Maynooth. Maynooth: St. Paul Library.
Edited Volumes:
- Patricia Ronan and Evelyn Ziegler (Eds). Language and Identity in Migration Contexts. Oxford: Peter Lang.
- Ronan, Patricia (Ed.) Perspectives on English in Switzerland. Cahiers de l’ILSL 48, 2016. Lausanne: ILSL.
- Ronan, Patricia (Ed.) Ireland and its Contacts/L’Irlande et ses contacts. Cahiers de l’ILSL 38, 2013. Lausanne: ILSL.
Recent Articles:
- Ronan, P. 2021. Indexing Irishness in Linguistic Landscaping. In: Expanding the Landscape of Irish English Research. Papers in Honour of Dr. Jeffrey Kallen. Eds. Stephen Lucek and Carolina P. Amador-Moreno. London: Taylor and Francis. 237-253.
- Ronan, P. 2021. Tweeting with Trump. Anglistik 32(2). 67-83.Ronan, P. 2021. Indexing Irishness in Linguistic Landscaping. In: Expanding the Landscape of Irish English Research. Papers in Honour of Dr. Jeffrey Kallen. Eds. Stephen Lucek and Carolina P. Amador-Moreno. London: Routledge. 237-253.
- Ronan, P. 2020. 'English in Ireland: Intra-territorial Perspectives on Language Contact'. In: Modelling Current Linguistic Realities of English World-Wide: the Extra and Intra-territorial Forces Model Put to the Test. Eds. Sarah Buschfeld and Alexander Kautzsch. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 322-346.Copyright photograph: Grolsch (2018)
- 'Question strategies in the Old Bailey Corpus'. In: Voices Past and Present - Studies of Involved, Speech-related and Spoken Texts. In honor of Merja Kytö. Eds. Ewa Jonsson and Tove Larsson. 2020. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 154-171.
- 'English in Ireland: Intra-territorial Perspectives on Language Contact'. In: Modelling Current Linguistic Realities of English World-Wide: the Extra and Intra-territorial Forces Model Put to the Test. Eds. Sarah Buschfeld and Alexander Kautzsch. 2020. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 322-346.
- 'Silly much? Tracing the spread of a new expressive marker in recent corpora'. Varieng E-Series Vol. 20. 2019.
- ‘Simple versus Light Verb Constructions in Late Modern Irish English Correspondence: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis’. Studia Neophilologica. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/00393274.2019.1578182
- ‘The Interpolator(s) H in LU: using frequency measures to determine authorship’ (with G. Schneider). In: Ulidia 4. Eds. Ó Mainnín, M. B. & G. Toner (eds.). 2017. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
- ‘Language Relations in Early Ireland’. In: Sociolinguistics in Ireland. Ed. Hickey, R. 2016. London: Palgrave. 133-53.
- ‘Introduction’. Perspectives on English in Switzerland. Cahiers de l’Ilsl 48, 2016, 9-26.
- ‘Conclusion’. Perspectives on English in Switzerland. Cahiers de l’Ilsl 48, 2016, 183-87.
- ‘Determining light verb constructions in contemporary British and Irish English’ (with G. Schneider). In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 20:3. 2015. 326-354.
- ‘Categorizing expressive speech acts in the pragmatically annotated SPICE Ireland Corpus’. ICAME Journal 39. 2015. 25-45.
- ‘Light-verb constructions in the history of English’. In: Corpus interrogation and grammatical patterns. Eds. Davidse, K., C. Gentens, L. Ghesquière, and L. Vandelanotte. 2014. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 15-34.
- ‘Tracing uses of will and would in Late Modern British and Irish English’. In: Contact, Variation, and Change in the History of English. Eds. Pfenninger, S. E., O. Timofeeva, A.-Chr. Gardner, A. Honkapohja, M. Hundt and D. Schreier (eds.). 2014. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 239-56.
- ‘Talk About Flipping Health Food – Swearing and Religious Oaths in Irish and British English.’ Emotion, Affect, Sentiment: The Language and Aesthetics of Feeling. SPELL: Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature 30. Eds Langlotz, A. and A. Soltysik Monnet. Tübingen: Narr, 2014. 177-196.
- ‘Functions of Support Verb Constructions in Early English’. In: Penser le Lexique-Grammaire. Perspectives actuelles. Ed. Kakoyianni-Doa, F. 2014.Paris: Honoré Champion. 195-207.
2022: Oschem, Katharina. How Does the Use of Emojis Differ between Younger and Older Speakers on WhatsApp?
2023: Özümer, Osman. Subjectivity in Translation.
2023: Nitsch, Niklas. Investigating Sentiments on Covid-19 in Tweets.
2023: Bohr-Feld, Marlene. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-Reported Practices Regarding Multilingualism: A Mixed-Methods Study of Preschool Teachers in the Ruhr Valley