Prof. Dr. Gerold Sedlmayr
Academic Profile
cultural and literary theory, incl. Economic Criticism; literature and culture of the Romantic era; ; contemporary British and Irish literature and culture, particularly with a view to race and ethnicity; fantasy; British film and TV
1993-2000: studied English and History at the University of Passau, Germany; first state examination (Lehramt für Gymnasium)
1995/96: academic year at Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
2000-2004: doctoral studies at the University of Passau; major: English Literary Studies; subsidiary subjects: Philosophy and Medieval/Modern History; dissertation topic: "'Drawing Breath Somewhere between Stars and Skeletons'. Brendan Kennelly's Literary Works"
2003-2011: Assistant Professor at the Chair of English Literature and Culture, University of Passau
September 2004: Visiting Professor, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA
August / September 2007: Visiting Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
October 2008: Guest Lecturer, Institut de Traducteurs, d’Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg, France
February 2010: completion of second-book project (Habilitation): "Discursive Constructions of Madness in Britain, c.1790-c.1815: Medicine, Politics, Literature"
Oct 2010-Feb 2011: parental leave
April 2011-March 2013: Professor of British Cultural Studies at the University of Würzburg, Germany
Since April 2013: Professor of English Literature and Culture at TU University Dortmund, Germany
Oct 1995-June 1996: stipend, DAAD (Trinity College Dublin)
2001/2002: dissertation grant (Promotionsstipendium gemäß Gesetz zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Nachwuchses [Bayern])
2004: award for best doctoral dissertation: "E.ON Bayern-Kulturpreis Ostbayern 2004"
Oct 2004-Sept 2007: member, Fachbereichsrat der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Passau (Vertreter der Gruppe der wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter)
Aug 2005-Sept 2007 member, senate of the University of Passau (Vertreter der Gruppe der wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter)
2005-2011: co-ordinator at the University of Passau for the European exchange programme ALE (Applied Languages Europe)
June 2008-Feb 2011: member, Kommission für die Vergabe von Studiengebühren an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Passau
2011: award for best habilitation: "Karl-Heinz-Pollok-Gedächtnispreis 2011 des ManagementConvent der Universität Passau / Neuburger Gesprächskreis e.V."
September 2011-September 2013: board member, Deutscher Anglistenverband (German Association of University Teachers of English)
Since Feb 2012: member, international advisory board of the journal European Romantic Review
2012: By invitation, organiser and chair of double session at the NASSR conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland; travel grant by DAAD
2012 co-organiser (with Stefanie Fricke and Rosa Karl) of section "Recent Trends in Romantic Studies" (Anglistentag, University of Potsdam)
2012 organisation (with Nicole Waller and Angela Sedlmaier) of conference "The Politics of Contemporary Fantasy" (5-7 Oct., University of Würzburg); funded by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
June 2014-Sept. 2016: member, Fakultätsrat der Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften der TU Dortmund
Since 2014: co-ordinator ERASMUS programme at the Institute of English and American Studies, TU Dortmund University (UK exchanges)
May 2015-Sept. 2016: Vice Dean of the Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften (Faculty of Culture Studies) at TU Dortmund University
Oct. 2016-Sept. 2020: Dean of the Faculty of Culture Studies, TU Dortmund University
2017 organisation (with Marie Hologa, Cyprian Piskurek and Mark Schmitt) of the annual conference of the German Association for the Study of British Cultures: "Political Bodies" (23-25 Nov., TU Dortmund University); funded by DFG
Jan. 2021-Oct 2022: stellvertretender geschäftsführender Direktor (deputy chairman), Institut für Sprache, Literatur und Kultur, TU Dortmund
2022 organisation (with Marie Hologa and Sophia Möllers) of the conference "Romantic Interventions: From Idealism to Activism" (3-5 February); funded by DFG
Since Oct. 2022 Geschäftsführender Direktor (co-chairman with Ulrike Freywald), Institut für Sprache, Literatur und Kultur, TU Dortmund
with Marion Gymnich, Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz, and Dirk Vanderbeke. The Orphan in Fiction and Comics since the 19th Century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018. Info (Reviewed by: Elizabeth Kella, in: Nordic Journal of English Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, 2018, 243-46.)
The Discourse of Madness in Britain, 1790-1815: Medicine, Politics, Literature. Studien zur Englischen Romantik 10, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2011. (Habilitation.) Info (Reviewed by: George Rousseau, in Social History of Medicine, vol. 26, no. 2, 2013, 334-335; Ian Copestake, in Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, vol. 250, no. 1, 2013, 221-222; Heike Grundmann, in ZAA: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture, vol. 61. no. 2, 2013, 199-202; Ralf Haekel, in European Romantic Review, vol. 24, no. 1, 2013, 115-120; Michelle E. Iwen, in History of Psychiatry, vol. 23, 2013, 504-506; Beate Rudlof, in Journal for the Study of British Cultures, vol. 19, no. 1, 2012, 96-98.)
Brendan Kennelly’s Literary Works: The Developing Art of an Irish Writer, 1959-2000. Studies in Irish Literature 15, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005. (Dissertation.) Info (Reviewed by: Bernard Escarbelt, in Études Irlandaises, vol. 31, no. 2, 2007, 170.)
- (forthcoming 2024) Ed. with Marie Hologa and Sophia Möllers. Vol. 35, no. 4 (2024) of European Romantic Review (ERR): Romantic Interventions.
- Ed. with Cyprian Piskurek. Vol. 25, no. 1 (2018) of Journal for the Study of British Cultures (JSBC): Political Bodies.
- Ed. with Florian Cord. Vol. 3 (2018) of Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power: issue title: Culture, Power and Identity: The Theoretical Legacy of Stuart Hall,
- Romantic Bodyscapes: Embodied Selves, Embodied Spaces and Legible Bodies in the Romantic Age (Studien zur Englischen Romantik 17), Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015.
- Ed. with Nicole Waller. Politics in Fantasy Media: Essays on Ideology and Gender in Fiction, Film, Television and Games. McFarland, 2014. Print and e-book.
- Ed. with Stefanie Fricke and Rosa Karl. Special Section on "Recent Trends in Romantic Studies." In: Anglistentag 2012: Proceedings (Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, vol. 34), ed. Ilse Wischer and Katrin Röder, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013, 93-179.
- Ed. with Stephan Karschay and Joanna Rostek. Vol. 84 (2008) of Hard Times: The Politics of British Humour.
- Ed. with Jürgen Kamm. Insular Mentalities: Mental Maps of Britain: Essays in Honour of Bernd Lenz. Stutz, 2007.
- Ed. with Dörte Eliass: Kathleen Jamie. The Sea-House / Das Meer-Haus. Stutz, 2008. (Reviewed by: Katrina Burkert. "Ein Hauch von Weder-Noch." Passauer Neue Presse, 29 Jan. 2009, 9.)
- Ed. with Dörte Eliass: Brendan Kennelly. Get This / Kapier das. Stutz, 2004. (Reviewed by: Wolfgang Görtschacher. "Ein vielstimmiges Debüt." Buchkultur, vol. 100, 2005, p. 32; Bernd Lenz. "Spiel mit Lauten, Assonanzen, freien Rhythmen." Passauer Neue Presse, 8 Dec. 2004, 16.)
Co-editor of the Journal for the Study of British Cultures (from vol. 26, 2019).
2013-2018 (beginning with vol. 48): co-editor of LIR (Literatur - Imagination - Realität: Anglistische, germanistische, romanistische Studien), Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
- (under review) "Writing Home: Ethnic Minorities in Ireland, the Negotiation of Borders, and the Idea of Irish Unity in the Work of the ‘New Irish’ Poets". Discourses of Unity in Ireland and Europe, ed. Maurice H. Fitzpatrick and Christoph Reinfandt.
- (forthcoming 2024) "Irische Lyrik nach 1945". Englische Literaturgeschichte, 6th edition, ed. Hans Ulrich Seeber and Martin Middeke, Metzler.
- (forthcoming 2024) "William Godwin’s Mandeville, Madness and the Case for/against Moral Management". The Cultural Heritage of Psychiatry and Its Literary Transformations: Middle Ages to the Present, ed. Katrin Röder and Cornelia Wächter, Brill.
- "'Ein Blick auf jenes Jammerhauß': Lichtenberg, Bedlam und das Wissen um den Wahnsinn im England des 18. Jahrhunderts". Lichtenberg-Jahrbuch 2022, ed. Ulrich Joost et al., Heidelberg: Winter, 2023, 125-148.
- "Editorial: The State of (British) Cultural Studies in Germany Today". Journal for the Study of British Cultures, vol. 28, no. 1 (2021): 3-11.
- With Joanna Rostek: "Grayson Perry's Brexit Vases as National Psychotherapy: Feelings (and) Matter". Mentalities and Materialities: Essays in Honour of Jürgen Kamm, ed. Philip Jacobi and Anette Pankratz, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2021, 129-148.
- "Ethnicity, Race and Representation in Britain". How to Do Cultural Studies: Ideas, Approaches, Scenarios, ed. Jürgen Kramer and Bernd Lenz, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2020, 135-166.
- "Communication Breakdown: The Brexit Referendum, British Austerity Policies, and Their Negotiation in Culture". Journal for the Study of British Cultures (JSBC), vol. 26, no. 1 (2019): 31-44.
- With Cyprian Piskurek. "Introduction: Political Bodies". Journal for the Study of British Cultures, vol. 25, no. 1 (2018) (issue on Political Bodies): 3-9.
- With Florian Cord. "Introduction: 'Wrestling with the Angels". Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power, vol. 3 (2018): pp. 1-6, (URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa2-322653)
- "Stuart Hall and Power". Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power, vol. 3 (2018): pp. 7-26, (URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa2-322662).
- With Marion Gymnich, Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz and Dirk Vanderbeke. "Introduction: The Orphan in Fiction and Comics since the 19th Century". The Orphan in Fiction and Comics since the 19th Century, by Marion Gymnich, G.S., Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz, and Dirk Vanderbeke, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018, 1-13.
- "Orphans, Myth, and Contemporary Fantasy Literature: Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, A Song of Ice and Fire". The Orphan in Fiction and Comics since the 19th Century, by Marion Gymnich, G.S., Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz, and Dirk Vanderbeke, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018, 181-241.
- "The Ambiguous Nature of the Romantic Scientification of Literary Knowledge". Romantic Ambiguities: Abodes of the Modern (Studien zur Englischen Romantik, vol. 20), edited by Sebastian Domsch, Christoph Reinfandt, and Katharina Rennhak, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2017, 125-138.
- "Political and Social History, c. 1780-1832". Handbook of British Romanticism (Handbooks of English and American Studies, vol. 6), edited by Ralf Haekel, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017, 27-48.
- "Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials (1995-2000)". Handbook of the English Novel of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (Handbooks of English and American Studies, vol. 5), edited by Christoph Reinfandt, De Gruyter, 2017, 461-480.
- "Power, Death and the Value of the Body in Late Capitalism: Anohni's 'Drone Bomb Me'". Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power, vol. 1, 2017, 42-58, (URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa2-157449).
- "Literary Theory in Reverse: The Literariness of Theory". Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today, ed. Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 33-47.
- "Ownership of the Body, the Sacralization of the Person, and the Right to Bodily Integrity in William Godwin's Caleb Williams". European Romantic Review 27.3 (2016): 375-384.
- "The Uses of History in Blackadder". British TV Comedy: Cultural Concepts, Contexts and Controversies, ed. Birgit Neumann and Jürgen Kamm, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 153-166.
- "Introduction: Romantic Bodyscapes". Romantic Bodyscapes: Embodied Selves, Embodied Spaces and Legible Bodies in the Romantic Age, ed. Gerold Sedlmayr, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015, 7-27.
- "Fantastic Body Politics in Joe Abercrombie's The First Law Trilogy". Politics in Fantasy Media: Essays on Ideology and Gender in Fiction, Film, Television and Games, ed. Gerold Sedlmayr and Nicole Waller, Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014, 165-178.
- With Nicole Waller. "Introduction: The Politics of Fantasy". Politics in Fantasy Media: Essays on Ideology and Gender in Fiction, Film, Television and Games, ed. Gerold Sedlmayr and Nicole Waller, Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014, 1-16.
- "The Fatal Contagiousness of French Republicanism: Edmund Burke and the Body Politic". Perspectives on English Revolutionary Republicanism, ed. Gaby Mahlberg and Dirk Wiemann, Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, 103-118.
- "The City as 'Hot-bed for the Passions:' Romantic Urbanity and the Discourse of Hygiene". Romantic Cityscapes (Studien zur Englischen Romantik 12), ed. Jens-Martin Gurr and Berit Michel, Trier: WVT, 2013, 101-110.
- "'I didn’t graduate / I immigrate:' West Indian British Poets and the Politics of Ethnicity". Contemporary Political Poetry in Britain and Ireland (anglistik & englischunterricht 77), ed. Uwe Klawitter and Claus-Ulrich Viol, Heidelberg: Winter, 2013, 181-203. Reprinted with slight amendments as: "West Indian British Poetry: John Agard, James Berry, Fred D'Aguiar, and Grace Nichols". A History of British Poetry: Genres - Developments - Interpretations (WVT-Handbücher zum literaturwissenschaftlichen Studium 18), ed. Sibylle Baumbach, Birgit Neumann and Ansgar Nünning, Trier: WVT, 2015, 391-407.
- "'What They Died For:' Die Mythopoetik von Lost". Durch das Labyrinth von Lost: Die US-Fernsehserie aus kultur- und medienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive (Schriften zur Kultur- und Mediensemiotik 2), ed. Marion Kühn and Verena Schmöller, Marburg: Schüren, 2011, 201-221.
- "Tom Murphy". The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary Irish Playwrights, ed. Martin Middeke and Peter Paul Schnierer. London: Methuen Drama, 2010, 310-327.
- "'What Madnesse Ghosts Us All?' Melancholy Madness in Burton’s Anatomy and Shakespeare’s Hamlet". Shakespearean Culture – Cultural Shakespeare (PALK 8), ed. Jürgen Kamm and Bernd Lenz, Passau: Stutz, 2009, 27-45.
- With Joanna Rostek. "Berührung im Überfluss: Grenzregionen und Körperzonen in Ian McEwans On Chesil Beach (2007)". Grenzen: Konstruktionen und Bedeutungen, ed. Dennis Gräf and Verena Schmöller, Passau: Stutz, 2009, 235-258.
- "Albion's Self as Albion's Other: Reading Blake through Ricoeur". Romanticism Today: Selected Papers from the Tübingen Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism (Studien zur englischen Romantik 6), ed. Christoph Reinfandt and Lars Eckstein, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009, 69-79.
- "'Yeahbutnobutyeahbut': The Dismantling of Britishness in Little Britain". Journal for the Study of British Cultures 15.1 (2008): 11-23.
- "Sexuality, Monstrosity, and Mythology in Contemporary Irish Women’s Poetry". The Body and the Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality from Antiquity to Postmodernity (DQR Studies in Literature 42), ed. Glennis Byron and Andrew John Sneddon, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008, 257-273.
- With Jürgen Kamm. "Introduction". Insular Mentalities: Mental Maps of Britain: Essays in Honour of Bernd Lenz, ed. Jürgen Kamm and Gerold Sedlmayr, Passau: Stutz, 2007, 7-14.
- "Insular Insanities: Going Mental in Early Eighteenth-Century Britain". Insular Mentalities: Mental Maps of Britain: Essays in Honour of Bernd Lenz, ed. Jürgen Kamm and Gerold Sedlmayr, Passau: Stutz, 2007, 39-52.
- "Negotiating Diasporic Spaces in Contemporary Multi-Ethnic Britain: Gurinder Chadha’s Bend It like Beckham". Medialised Britain: Essays on Media, Culture and Society (PALK 4), ed. Jürgen Kamm, Passau: Stutz, 2007, 173-184.
- "Investigating the Relation between Original and Interpretation: Deconstruction and the Ethical Reading of Literature". Moderne Sprachen: Zeitschrift des Verbandes der österreichischen Neuphilologen (MSp) 50.2 (2006): 75-88.
- "Between Copacabana and Annaghmakerrig: Paul Durcan’s Global Perspective". Global Ireland: Irish Literatures for the New Millennium, ed. Ondřej Pilný and Clare Wallace. Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, 2005, 74-85.
- "'I Am Ace de Horner, Who’s That?' Identity in Brendan Kennelly's Poetry My Arse". New Voices in Irish Criticism 3, ed. Karen Vandevelde. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2002, 173-180.
- "Brendan Kennelly, Dublin, in Interview with Gerold Sedlmayr, Passau". Anglistik: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Anglistenverbandes 13.2 (2002): 9-22.
- "'The Butcher Walked Straight into Me': Violence in Brendan Kennelly's Cromwell". The Aesthetics and Pragmatics of Violence: Proceedings of the Conference at Passau University, March 15-17, 2001, ed. Michael Hensen and Annette Pankratz, Passau: Stutz, 2001, 103-114.
- Review of: Vera Nünning, Philipp Löffler, Margit Peterfy, Key Concepts for the Study of Culture: An Introduction (Trier: WVT, 2020). In: Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 33.3 (2022): 145-147. Web:
- Review of: Patrick Diamond, Peter Nedergaard & Ben Rosamond, eds., The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Brexit (London & New York: Routledge, 2018). In: Journal for the Study of British Cultures, vol. 26, no. 1 (2019): 101-103.
- Review of: James Whitehead. Madness and the Romantic Poet: A Critical History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017). In: Review of English Studies, vol. 69, no. 292 (2018): 999-1000.
- Review of: Theresa M. Kelley. Clandestine Marriage: Botany and Romantic Culture (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012). In: ZAA: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture, vol. 63, no. 1 (2015): 131-133.
- Review of: Roger Lüdeke. Zur Schreibkunst von William Blake: Ästhetische Souveränität und politische Imagination (München: Wilhelm Fink, 2013). In: ZAA: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture, vol. 62, no. 1 (2014): 79-81.
- Review of: Monika Class. Coleridge and Kantian Ideas in England, 1796-1817: Coleridge's Responses to German Philosophy (London: Bloomsbury, 2012). In: Anglistik: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Anglistenverbandes, vol. 25, no.1 (2014): 204-206.
- Review of: Gabriele Linke, ed. Teaching Cultural Studies: Methods – Matters – Models (Heidelberg: Winter, 2011). In: Journal for the Study of British Cultures, vol. 20, no. 1(2013): 79-81.
- Review of: George C. Grinnell. The Age of Hypochondria: Interpreting Romantic Health and Illness (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). In: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, vol. 250, no. 1 (2013): 209-211.
- Review of: Heather R. Beatty. Nervous Disease in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Reality of a Fashionable Disease (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2012). In: Social History of Medicine, vol. 26, no. 1 (2013): 143-144.
- Review of: Christoph Bode. Selbst-Begründungen: Diskursive Konstruktionen von Identität in der britischen Romantik. Vol. 1: Subjektive Identität (Trier: WVT, 2008). In: AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, vol. 34, no. 2 (2009): 333-336.
- Review of: Cheryl Alexander Malcolm and Jopi Nyman, eds. eros.usa: Essays on the Culture and Literature of Desire (Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, 2005). In: Moderne Sprachen: Zeitschrift des Verbandes der österreichischen Neuphilologen (MSp), vol. 50, no. 1 (2006): 115-117.
- Review of: Rosalie Rahal Haddad. Bernard Shaw’s Novels: His Drama of Ideas in Embryo (Trier: WVT, 2004). In: Anglistik: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Anglistenverbandes, vol. 16, no. 2 (2005): 177-179.
- "'Im Inneren des sich wandelnden Ortes': Bemerkungen zur Lyrik Kathleen Jamies". Kathleen Jamie. The Sea-House / Das Meer-Haus, ed. Dörte Eliass and Gerold Sedlmayr, Passau: Stutz, 2008, 127-131.
- "Brendan Kennelly, oder: Die Kunst des Zuhörens". Brendan Kennelly. Get This / Kapier das, ed. Dörte Eliass and Gerold Sedlmayr, Passau: Stutz, 2004, 129-132.
- Wir sind hier nur zu Gast: Gedichte. Poesie 21. Deiningen: Steinmeier, 2014.
Student Conference: "Case Studies in Economic Criticism" (8-9 July 2022)
In this two-day conference, BA and MA students from the TU Dortmund and the University of Innsbruck will present and discuss their research projects on Economic Criticism. Students closely engaged with this emerging field during the summer semester 2022. The conference is the result of the collaboration between the courses 154522 Economic Criticism held by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerold Sedlmayr at the TU Dortmund (British Cultural Studies) and 609252 VU Current Research Perspectives, Theories and Methods: Economic Criticism held by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dorothee Birke at the University of Innsbruck (Department of English). For the conference programme, please see the poster.
The event is open to members of the interested public. Please email florian.dambachertu-dortmundde if you wish to attend the conference.
For more information on the DFG Research Network “Methodologies of Economic Criticism”, please click here.
The conference language is English.
Organisational Team: Tabea Bergschneider (TU Dortmund), Florian Dambacher (TU Dortmund), Ines Gstrein (Ines Gstrein)
14-14:10 Introduction (Dorothee Birke & Gerold Sedlmayr)
14:10 – 15:15 TU Dortmund
- “The Representation of the Concepts of ‘Responsibilisation’ and ‘Mental Load’ by Momfluencers on Instagram: An Analysis of Posts by Momfluencer Louise Pentland” (Laura Möws , Marie Thiele, Lea von der Mosel)
- “Make Housing Affordable! Rising Rents and Their Impact on Students’ Lives” (Alexandra Kopp, Létitia Labouret, Wiebke Meyer, Céline Puritz)
15:15-16:05 University of Innsbruck
- “Privilege Then and Now – From Emma to Clueless” (Isabella Jud)
- “Representation of Class in ‘The Garden Party’” (Eva Thaler)
16:05-16:40 Break
16:40-17:45 TU Dortmund
- “Modern-Day Slavery in the Fast Fashion Industry: Unethical Financial Benefits and Consequences” (Vera Jacobs, Alva Ternow, Fabio Wortmann)
- “Reconstructing the Work-Life-Balance in Contemporary European Societies: Current Arguments for and against a Reduced Working Week” (Nina Ahrweiler, Levin Denda, Julia Hofsendermann, Moana Mexner)
17:45-18:35 University of Innsbruck
- “Fight Club as a Critique of Consumerism” (Ghazaleh Rahmani Alashti)
- “Falling Off the Social Ladder” (Alireza Amindehghan)
10:30-10:55 University of Innsbruck
- “The Problem of Social Inequality in Oliver Twist” (Lea Kühne)
10:55-12:00 TU Dortmund
- “Communicating Sustainability: How the Oil and Gas Company BP Addresses Environmental Concerns” (Chantal Dworaczek, Marla Schröer, Frederike Stiepermann)
- “The Eternity of Capitalism: Time as Currency in Andrew Niccol's In Time (2011)” (Samuel Abendroth, Falk Engberding, Vanessa Krefta, Marleen Wieland)
12:00-12:20 Final Discussion