Burak Sezer
Dr. Burak Sezer

Emil-Figge-Str. 50 , Room 0.414
+49 231 755 xxx
Office hours:
- Environmental Humanities
- Animals and Plant Studies
- American Renaissance
- Philosophy of Science/Mathematics
- Historiographic Metafiction
Winter Term 2022/23
"Animals in American Literature and Culture", Proseminar, English Seminar I, University of Cologne
Summer Term 2018
“Pädagogische Topologien”, Proseminar, Chair of Educational Anthropology, University of Cologne
Summer Term 2018
“Wissens- und Bildungsutopien”, Proseminar, Chair of Educational Anthropology, University of Cologne
Winter Term 2016/17
“American Objects”, Tutorial for North American Studies M.A. program, English Seminar I, University of Cologne
Winter Term 2015/16
“American Bestiary”, Tutorial for North American Studies M.A. program, English Seminar I, University of Cologne
Summer Term 2015
German 102 and recitations, Department for Modern Languages and Cultures der University of Rochester, NY, USA
Winter Term 2014
German 101, Department for Modern Languages and Cultures der University of Rochester, NY, USA
since Summer 2024
PostDoc at the Chair of American LIterature and Culture, TU Dortmund University
2022 - 2024
Contract Lecturer at the Chair of American Literature and Culture, University of Cologne
Summer term 2018
Research Associate at the Chair of Educational Anthropology, University of Cologne
2015/10 - 2017/03
Teaching Assistant and Tutor at the Chair for American Literature and Culture, University of Cologne
2018 - 2021 | PhD thesis: After Maths: Thomas Pynchon's Poetics of Mathematics, a.r.t.e.s. Integrated Track Scholarship, University of Cologne, Degree: Doctorate (summa cum laude)
2018-2019 | Graduate Studies in Comparative Literature, University of Rochester, Degree: M.A. (1,0)
2010-2017 | State Examination in English, Mathematics, and Educational Sciences, University of Cologne, Degree: 1. Staatsexamen (1,2)
2014-2015 | Graduate Studies in Comparative Literature, University of Rochester, NY, USA., Degree: Master of Arts, GPA 4.0
“Underwater. Immersive Ecologies in Subnautica, BioShock, and Ecosystem”, Playing the Field III: Video Game Ecologies and American Studies (accepted), Amerikahaus Munich
“The Afronauts of the Future. Black Speculative Fiction as More Than Postcolonial Participation?”, Participating in Postcolonial Wor(l)ds (accepted), Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
“Into the Crypts of Crypto: Pynchon’s Cryptographic Imagination”, International Pynchon Week 2022, University of British Columbia
“The Essential Difference Between 9/11 and 11 September”, Digital Americas, University of Vienna
“Cryptography and Randomness in Thomas Pynchon’s Bleeding Edge”, Trust and Truth, Cambridge University
“From Rainbows to Stonebows: Ossifying Mathematics in Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow”, International Pynchon Week 2019, Sapienza University of Rome
“’Avoid the Discomfort:’ Sloth as Counter-Entropy in Pynchon’s Work”, Challenging Comfort as an Idea(l) in Contemporary Literature and Culture, Campus Landau, University of Koblenz-Landau
“Thomas Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon – A Geometrical Moving West”, American Im/Mobilities, Austrian Association for American Studies, University of Vienna
“The Contact Galaxy: Edgar Allan Poe’s Interface of Mathematics and Poetry in 'Eureka'”, Speculative Fictions, University of Cologne
“Ghosts, Ghouls, Aliens, Cyborgs: Vivian Sobchack and the Mélange of Science Fiction and Horror in Film”, The Biggest Comebacks: Tenacious Resurgence of Cultural Topoi, University at Buffalo
“Uncanny Rooms in Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves and H. P. Lovecraft’s 'The Dreams in the Witch-House'”, Connect the Dots!, University of Bayreuth
“On the Temptations of Comfort. The Poetics of Slothfulness in Pynchon”
In: Dorothee Birke/Stella Butter (Eds.), Comfort in Contemporary Culture Bielefeld: transcript. 2020, pp. 43-63 https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839449028-003
“The Empowering Paradox of ‘1=2.’ Mark Z. Danielewski’s Arithmopoetics”
In: Sascha Pöhlmann (Ed.), Orbit: A Journal of American Literature 10 (2): 8, pp. 1-51 https://doi.org/10.16995/orbit.8226
“Why Scientists Creep and Crawl. Moving West in Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon”
In: Leopold Lippert/Alexandra Ganser/Michael Fuchs (Eds.), American Im/Mobilities. JAAAS (Vol. 2, No. 2, 2022). Forthcoming.
In: Markus Dederich/Jörg Zirfas (Eds.), Glossar der Vulnerabilität, Springer VS, 2022. Forthcoming.
In: Markus Dederich/Jörg Zirfas (Eds.), Glossar der Vulnerabilität, Springer VS, 2022. Forthcoming.
In: Markus Dederich/Jörg Zirfas (Eds.), Glossar der Vulnerabilität, Springer VS, 2022. Forthcoming.
Since 2021 | DGfA/GAAS: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien/ German Association for American Studies