Dr. Julia Sattler

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Julia Sattler is an instructor in American Studies. Between April 2012 and March 2015, she was the academic director of the UAR-project “Spaces – Communities – Representations: Urban Transformations in the USA” in the framework of the MERCUR program of the Mercator Foundation. She was also the academic coordinator of the Faculty of Culture Studies from November 2011 to May 2015. From September 2008 to March 2011, she worked in the Rector’s Office of TU Dortmund University in the area of Academic Affairs. She studied English/American Studies and Theology at Dortmund and spent two semesters teaching German at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York (2003-2004). In 2007, she was a participant of the Fulbright American Studies Institute at San Francisco State University; in 2011 and 2013 she was Fellow of the Salzburg Global Seminar in American Studies.
From July 2019 to July 2020, she worked as a freelance project manager for the Global Diplomacy Lab. She is currently serving as Deputy Speaker on the TU Dortmund University Senate and in the University Equality Commission.
Storytelling in American Culture
Urbanities and the Narration of Urban Spaces
Cultural History of the “Rust Belt”
Industrial and Post-Industrial Cultures
Poetry in Translation
“Global” Poets and Poetry
Race Relations and Cultures of Memory
The American South in Global Contexts
“Whitman’s Daughters: Female Poets responding to Walt Whitman”
“’This possible city’: Detroit Poetry and Radical Urban Transformation”
“Ruhr|Detroit: Urban Planning and American Cultural Studies”
“Family Secrets: Roots, Memory and Mixed Race Heritage in the Contemporary United States“ Dissertation PhD
- Sattler, Julia. Mixed-Race Identity in the American South: Roots, Memory, and Family Secrets. Lanham, MD, USA: Lexington Books, 2021 (= New Studies in Southern History).
Edited Books:
Sattler, Julia, ed. Urban Transformations in the USA: Spaces—Communities—Representations, Bielefeld: Transcript 2016.
Sattler, Julia, Joscha Beckmann, Björn Behr, Robert Czudaj, Stephanie Joachim, Jana Hertwig, Stefan Kaluza, Rudolf Kley, Rabea Kohnen, Franziska Rehlinghaus, and Christoph Schuck, eds. Wissenschaft trifft Kohlenpott (Research Meets Coal Pit). Essen: Klartext 2015.
- Sattler, Julia, and Walter Grünzweig, eds. Abschiedskuss für Gott—Gedichte. Bonn: Weidle 2013. Print.
Editorial Work:
Julia Sattler ist Mitherausgeberin der Reihe masteRResearch. Julia Sattler is co-editor of masteRResearch.
Sie ist als Rezensentin für Architecture_media_politics_society tätig. Diese non-profit Organisation widmet sich der Rolle von Architektur, Landschaft und Urbanität und deren Mediation. She is also a reviewer for Architecture_media_politics_society, a UK-based non-profit organization focusing on promoting knowledge about architecture, landscape and urbanism in contemporary culture.
Sattler, Julia. “‘Imagine A Sisterhood.’ Narratives of Self-Care, Healing and Feminist Activism in WE. A Manifesto for Women Everywhere (2017),” Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 1 (2022), Special Issue Self- Help and Ability. 91-106. Print.
- Sattler, Julia. "‘City of Conscience’: Fragments, Empty Spaces, and the Psychogeography of Detroit," in: Andererseits – Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies, ed. William Collins Donahue, Georg Mein, Rolf Parr, Bielefeld: Transcript, 2021. 188-201.
- Sattler, Julia. “Stella: Subject – Feminist Grammar and Female Agency in The Fall,” M:AI – Feminism and Visual Culture, Special Issue on The New Female Detective, June 2021.
- Sattler, Julia. “Formerly Industrial: Reinventing the Two Rust-Belts, “in: Reclaiming Public Space through Intercultural Dialogue, eds. Christa Reicher, Fabio Bayro-Kaiser, Maram Tawil, Janset Shawash, Katrin Bäumer, Jan Polìvka, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2020. 201-221. Print.
- Sattler, Julia. “Hot Hot Heat: The U.S. South in Benedict Andrews’s Production of A Streetcar Named Desire,” in: Ex-Centric Souths: (Re)Imagining Southern Centers and Peripheries, ed. Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis. Valencia, ES: Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, 2019. 97-114. Print.
- Sattler, Julia. “’I Am The New America’”: Representing and Negotiating American Families in Mixed Race Memoirs,” in: Comparative Studies in Modernism 12 (2018): 43-61. Print.
- Sattler, Julia. “Finding Words: American Studies in Dialogue with Urban Planning,” in: Projecting American Studies: Essays on Theory, Method, and Practice, ed. Alexander Starre and Frank Kelleter. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter Heidelberg, 2018. 121-134. Print.
Sattler, Julia. “This is (not) Detroit: Projecting the Future of Germany’s Ruhr Region." Why Detroit Matters. Decline, Renewal and Hope in a Divided City. Ed. Brian Doucet. Bristol: Policy Press, 2017. Print.
Sattler, Julia. “Gillian Anderson und Jennifer Nadel: Anleitung zum Wir-Gefühl“, Der Standard, 12.03.2017.
Sattler, Julia. “Dealing with the Past Spatially: Storytelling and Sustainability in Deindustrializing Communities.” European Journal of American Studies. Special Issue: Sustainability and the City. America and the Urban World, 2016.
Sattler, Julia, Walter Grünzweig and Christa Reicher. “Ruhrbanität: Urbane Modelle im interdisziplinären Dialog,” URBANITÄTen. Ein interdisziplinärer Diskurs zur Eigenlogik des Städtischen. Eds. Christa Reicher, Hendrik Jansen, Ilka Mecklenbrauck. Duisburg: asso-verlag 2016. 152-159.
Sattler, Julia. “Narratives of Urban Transformation. Reading the Rust Belt in the Ruhr,” Urban Transformations in the USA: Spaces—Communities—Representations. Ed. Julia Sattler. Bielefeld: Transcript 2016. 11-26.
Sattler, Julia. “Genealogy” The Social History of the American Family. An Encyclopedia. Eds. Marilyn J. Coleman, Lawrence H. Ganong. New York: Sage, 2014.
Sattler, Julia. “Detroit and the Ruhr—Two Post-Industrial Landscapes.” New Global Studies 7.3 (2013): 87-98. Print.
Sattler, Julia. “I am she who will be free—June Jordan’s Transnational Feminist Poetics.” Journal of American Studies of Turkey 38 (2013): 65-82. Print.
Sattler, Julia, and Walter Grünzweig. “People’s Poetry: Translation as Collective Experience.” Modern American Poetry: Points of Access. Eds. Kornelia Freitag and Brian Reed. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 157-176. Print.
Sattler, Julia. “Review Eckard, Petra, Klaus Rieser, Silvia Schultermandl (eds.): Contact Spaces of American Culture. Globalizing Local Phenomena.” AAA 38.1 (2013): 94-95. Print.
Sattler, Julia. “Kunstvermittlung als Stadtentwicklung.” Kreativwirtschaft und Stadt. Konzepte und Handlungsansätze zur Stadtentwicklung. Eds. Christa Reicher, Katharina Heider, Sven Schlickewei, Sabrina Schröter, and Johannes Waldmüller (Dortmund: IRPUD, 2011. Dortmunder Beiträge zur Raumplanung 138): 203-212. Print.
Sattler, Julia, and Walter Grünzweig. “Drei Türme: Die TU im U.” Dortmunder U – Zentrum für Kunst und Kreativität. Eds. Andreas Broeckmann and Dieter Nellen. Bönen: Kettler, 2010. Print.
Sattler, Julia. “The Quest for Roots and Belonging in Contemporary American Biography.“ Moravian Journal of Literature and Film 2 (2010): 19-30. Print.
Sattler, Julia. “Review Alba, Richard: The Great Demographic Illusion: Majority, Minority, and the expanding American Mainstream.” Amerikastudien 67.3 (2022): 388-390. https://doi.org/10.33675/AMST/2022/3/11
Sattler, Julia. “Review Coste, Jaques-Henri, Vicent Dussol (eds.): The Fictions of American Capitalism. Working Fictions and the Economic Novel.” AAA 45.2 (2020): 247-250.
Sattler, Julia. “Review Connoly, N.D.B.: A World More Concrete: Real Estate and the Remaking of Jim Crow South Florida." American Studies 54.2 (2015): 11-12. Print.
Sattler, Julia. “Review Nye, David: America’s Assembly Line.”American Studies 53.1 (2014): 243-244. Print.
Sattler, Julia. “Review Fuchs, Michael, Maria-Theresia (eds.): Placing America. American Culture and its Spaces.” AAA 38.2 (2013): 242-244. Print.
Sattler, Julia. "Rezension zu Zahlmann, Stefan: Autobiographische Verarbeitungen des gesellschaftlichen Scheiterns. Die Eliten der amerikanischen Südstaaten nach 1865 und der DDR nach 1989". theologie.geschichte 4 (2009).
Onkelbach, Christopher. "Dem Revier geht's schlecht? Nicht im Vergleich mit Detroit." Der Westen. 4.1.2016.
Pinetzki, Katrin. "Es war einmal die Industriestadt – oder: Zechen als Zeichen der Zeit." Mundo. 22/2015. 52-57.
Fangmann, Mareike. "Spurensuche im Verlassenen." Westfälische Rundschau. 17.2.2012.
Encyclopedic Entries:
Sattler, Julia. “Comparisons,” in: Metropolitan Research. Methods and Approaches, ed. Jens Martin Gurr, Dennis Hardt, Rolf Parr. Bielefeld: Transcript 2022. 315-324. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839463109-018
Sattler, Julia. “Narrative Analysis,” in: Metropolitan Research. Methods and Approaches, ed. Jens Martin Gurr, Dennis Hardt, Rolf Parr. Bielefeld: Transcript 2022. 289-298. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839463109-016
Sattler, Julia. “Storytelling,“ in: Metropolitan Research. Methods and Approaches, ed. Jens Martin Gurr, Dennis Hardt, Rolf Parr. Bielefeld: Transcript 2022. 275-288. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839463109-015
Blogbeiträge u.ä.:
Sattler, Julia and Astrid Schmidt-King. “Buffalo: The Past, Present & Future – Shifting Divisions & Reasons to Billieve.” Blogbeitrag für das American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), August 2022. (https://www.aicgs.org/2022/07/buffalo-the-past-present-future/)
Sattler, Julia. “Verbindungslinien.“ Blogbeitrag für das Kulturwissenschaftliche Institut Essen, Juni 2022. (https://blog.kulturwissenschaften.de/verbindungslinien/)
"Shame and (Un-)Speakability in Dorothy Allison’s ‘River of Names.’" Biennial Conference of the Society of the Study of Southern Literature (SSSL), Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2022. (digital)
"‘I felt like a hole in the ground’ – Reading The Bell Jar through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)." Sylvia Plath Across the Centuries, March 2022. (digital)
“’urban impact detritus/ suburban impact Gap’: (Un-)Scripting the Neoliberal City.” Transatlantic Rust Belts, Detroit, Michigan, USA, September 2021. (digital)
“‘no like place‘: Poetry and Urban Complexity.” Lecture Series of the Department of Cultural Studies, TU Dortmund University: Transformations between the Written, the Visual and the Auditory Transformationen Zwischen Schrift, Bild und Audio im medialen Zeitalter. Dortmund, July 2021. (digital)
“Zwischen Black Lives Matter und White Supremacy: Zum kulturellen Hintergrund des Sturms auf das US Kapitol.” Forum Offene Wissenschaft Bielefeld, Germany, June 2021. (digital)
“’They don’t want us to be citizens’ – Civil Rights and Legal (In)Justice in When They See Us (Netflix, 2019).” German Association of American Studies Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, 2021. (digital)
“’We are the ones we have been waiting for’ – Female Poets as Activists.” Invited Talk, Kapadokya Üniversitesi, Turkey, April 2021. (digital)
“’Focus in Real Time’ – June Jordan’s Global Sustainable Vision.” British Association of American Studies Conference, Hull, England, April 2021. (digital)
“’And next poetry is the what is left of life’ – Poetry and Covid-19.” Living in the End Times. Utopian and Dystopian Representations of Pandemics in Fiction, Film and Culture. Kapadokya Üniversitesi, Turkey, January 2021. (digital)
“Nach der Industrie… Das Ruhrgebiet und Detroit erfinden sich neu.“ Research Day of the Competence Field Metropolitan Research of the University Alliance Ruhr, Essen, December 2020. (digital)
- “Ruhr | Detroit: American Studies and Urban Planning in Dialogue.” Ruhr Lecture Methodologies in Metropolitan Research: Disciplinary Differences, Challenges and Solutions, Dortmund, November 2019.
- “Imagine A Sisterhood.” Narratives of Self-Care, Healing and Feminist Activism in WE. A Manifesto for Women Everywhere (2017).” German Association of American Studies Conference, Hamburg, June 2019.
- “Singing America in Adrienne Rich’s ‘An Atlas of the Difficult World’ (1991).” Poets that came: Walt Whitman’s Creative Reception from Paper to Web, Eleventh Transatlantic Walt Whitman Symposium, Dortmund, June 2018.
“’The Price of Progress’: Narrating the Fall of Industrial Cities.” Lecture for the Research Project Settlements between Diversity and Homogeneity, Center for Advanced Studies der Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität München, January 2018.
“Formerly Industrial: Reinventing the two Rust Belts.” International Conference Reclaiming Public Space Within Metropolitan Areas, Amman, Jordan, November 2017.
“’I search a face/ for obstacles to genocide’: Female voices responding to Whitman’s war poetry.“ Reconstructing the Nation, Re-Constructing Leaves: Whitman’s Work after the Civil War and Beyond, Tenth Transatlantic Walt Whitman Symposium, Paris, France, June 2017.
“’Why should she come, asking these questions?’ Transnational Feminism and the Poetry of June Jordan and Meena Alexander.” Transnational Feminism and/in American Studies, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2017.
“’Change through Culture and Culture through Change’- Urban Transformation Processes in Germany’s Ruhr Valley.” Rotterdam Urban Lecture, Erasmus University College, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October 2016.
“’Freedom is indivisible’ – June Jordan and Global Feminisms.” Schlesinger Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 2016.
“Who owns Detroit? Negotiating Property in Angela Flournoy’s The Turner House (2015) and Benjamin Markovits’ s You don’t have to live like this (2015).” German Association of American Studies Conference, Osnabrück, Germany, May 2016.
“‘The Largest City of Opportunity in the World:’ Detroit’s Contestations over Space during the Great Migration.” International Conference of Historical Geographers, The Royal Geographical Society, London, UK, July 2015.
“Ruhr|Detroit: Industrial Memories.” Polycentric City Regions in Transformation – The Agglomeration Ruhr in International Perspective. Essen, Germany, June 2015.
“Re-Inventing the Region: Narrating Change in Germany’s Ruhr.” The University of Iowa, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Iowa City, IA, USA, February 2015.
“Staging Detroit’s Urban Transformation in Contemporary Documentary Films.” New Visions Workshop on Cinema and Cinematic Practices in Times of Radical Urban Transformation, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, December 2014.
“‘Small Syllables of Revolution’—June Jordan’s global antiwar poetry.” European Association of American Studies Biennial Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 2014.
“Detroit in Contemporary American Culture.” Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden, November 2013.
“Searching for Roots—Family Relations and Genealogy in Contemporary Mixed-Race Memoirs.” Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden, November 2013.
“Ein Fotospaziergang durch Detroit” (A photographic exploration of Detroit). Conversations on City and Infrastructure initiated by the German Academy for Architecture and Urban Planning (DASL), Bochum, October 2013.
“Ruhr/Detroit: Reading post-industrial regions in dialogue.” Biennial Meeting of the Society for American City and Regional Planning History, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 2013.
“‘A Detroit Poem has to have holes in it’—Redefining the Motor City.” German Association of American Studies Conference (DGfA-Tagung), Erlangen, May 2013.
“We got the story of America: The Quest for National Identity in Contemporary Mixed-Race Memoirs.” Uppsala University, Sweden, April 2013.
“‘An Abandoned Factory, Detroit’: Explorations at the new frontier.” Uppsala University, Sweden, April 2013.
“The Poetics of Urban Transformation: Narrating Structural Change in Germany’s Ruhr Region.” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, January 2013.
“‘Say nice things about Detroit’: Reading the American post-industrial Landscape.” Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, November 2012.
“Detroit, City of Possibilities: Constructing the Urban as Frontier”. RAAS – Fulbright Conference on Remapping Urban Spaces – American Challenges, Constanta, Romania, October 2012.
with Meagan Elliott (University of Michigan). “Reading Ruhr/Detroit”. Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Essen, Germany, September 2012, with Meagan Elliott.
“Family Secrets: A Relational Reading of Contemporary Mixed Race Memoirs”. German Association of American Studies Conference (DGfA-Tagung), Mainz, Germany, June 2012.
“‘I am the Martin Luther King dream. I am the new America’: American Identity and Exceptionalism in Contemporary Mixed Race Autobiography.” Hungarian Association of American Studies Conference (HAAS 9), Eszterhazy Karoly College, Eger, Hungary, May 2012.
“‘No clamor for a kiss’: The Politics of Forgiveness in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” University of Debrecen, Hungary, May 2012.
“Space, Culture, and the Past in the American South”, Birzeit University, Palästina, September 2011.
“The Dortmund Westend: Urban Transformation in the Ruhr Region”, Birzeit University, Palästina, September 2011.
“Public Genealogies and Legitimacy”. Southern American Studies Association (SASA), Atlanta, GA, USA, Februar 2011.
““I am the new America”: Reconsidering “American-ness” in the Age of Obama”. IDEA Colleque, Nancy, Frankreich, September 2010.
“From Onkel Toms Hütte to the Spirit of Georgia: The American South in German Popular Culture”. Biennial Meeting of the Society for the Study of Southern Literature, New Orleans, LA, USA, April 2010.
“Toward a Cosmopolitan Memory? History, Memory and the Debate Around Slavery in the Contemporary United States”. Nordic Association of American Studies Biennial Meeting, Kopenhagen, Dänemark, Mai 2009.
“'I Am in All America. All America Is in Me.'” – Negotiating Identity in Contemporary Multiracial Autobiographies”. Postgraduate Forum, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster, November 2008.
“Finding Roots, Marking Kinship: Unsettling Family, Memory, and Genealogy”. Biennial Meeting of the Society for the Study of Southern Literature, Williamsburg, VA, USA, April 2008.
“Family Secrets: Memory, Roots, and South’s Bi-Racial Heritage in Contemporary American Fiction”. Olomouc American Studies Colloquium, Olomouc, Tschechische Republik, September 2007.
Membership in the “Global Diplomacy Lab,” a network building new approaches in international diplomacy, 2018.
Schlesinger Library Research Support Grant for the project “’Freedom is Indivisible’: June Jordan and Global Feminisms,” Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, 2016.
Scholarship by the Humboldt Foundation to participate in the Turkish-German Frontiers of Humanities Symposium, Bochum, Germany, November 2014.
Membership in Global Young Faculty III, a network of excellent junior scholars in the Ruhr Region supported by the Mercator foundation, 2013—2015.
Travel Grant by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to attend the Biennial Meeting of the Society for American City and Regional Planning History, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 2013.
“Scholar-in-Residence”-Grant by the Goethe Institute and the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (KWI) to conduct research at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan, January-March 2013.
Dissertation Award of the Faculty of Culture Studies, TU Dortmund University, 2012.
"War and Peace: Whitman's Civil War Writings" (Symposium, International Whitman Week, co-organizer with Giorgio Mariano, Ken Price and Stephanie Blalock), Sapienza – the University of Rome; June 2023.
“Annual International Walt Whitman Week and Symposium,” co-organizer, Dortmund, May and June 2018.
“The City as America—America as the City: Approaching Urban American Studies” (closing conference within the MERCUR-Project) Dortmund, Germany, March 2015.
“Urban Transformations in the USA (Conference within the MERCUR-Project).” Essen, Germany, April 2013.
Dokkol – Doktorand/innenkolloquium der Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften, TU Dortmund, 2007-2009, 2011-2012.
Sommerakademie RUHR.2010, Dortmund, Juni 2010.
Dortmunder Bücherstreit April 2022, October 2022, April 2023.
Project Presentation: "Gedankenzüge: Experiment Demokratie", Dortmund, November 2022 (with Dortmund students)
since May 2022: Project "Gedankenzüge: Experiment Demokratie“ in cooperation with DSW21 and the city of Dortmund (https://www.tu-dortmund.de/universitaet/tu-kultur/gedankenzuege/)
Panel Discussion: „Zukunftsformate der Region: Lokal – regional – global“, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, March 2022
Project Presentation: „Der Holocaust in der Zweiten Generation und die Erinnerungskultur“, Dortmund, November 2021 (with Dortmund students)Dortmunder Bücherstreit, October 2020, April 2021, October 2021.
- Panel Discussion: “Ruhr-Detroit-Berlin-Connection.” MUMA – Musik und Maschine Konferenz, Warsteiner Music Hall, Dortmund, November 2019.
- Reading: “Menschenkind – Ein literarischer Nachruf auf die afroamerikanische Nobelpreisträgerin Toni Morrison.“ Tag der Offenen Tür der TU Dortmund, Dortmund, November 2019. Mit Kammerschauspielerin Barbara Blümel.
- Guest, Dortmunder Bücherstreit, November 2019.
- Reading: “June Jordan’s Kissing God Goodbye.” Opening of the New York Exhibition. Ev. Emmaus-Gemeinde, Kiel, Februar 2019.
- Reading/ Performance with students: “Poets to Come.” TU Dortmund, January 2018.
Reading/ Performance with students “Freedom Writers: Literature and Activism.” TU Dortmund, June 2017 and November 2017.
Workshop with students: “Dealing with the Ruhr’s Industrial Heritage: Preservation and Reinvention.” Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October 2016.
Reading/ Peformance with students: “Motor City Poetry.” Rekorder, Dortmund, July 2016 and TU Dortmund, November 2016.
Guest, Dortmunder Bücherstreit, October 2015 and April 2016.
German-American Student Workshop in Urban Planning: “Industrial Heritage and Brownfield Redevelopment,” Dortmund, June 2015.
Jury Member Workshop: “Narratives of Decline,” with Prof. Jerry Herron (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA), Learning From Detroit: Turbulent Urbanism of the 21st Century, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, May 2014.
Book Presentation: “Kissing God Goodbye/ Abschiedskuss für Gott,” (with the actress Barbara Blümel, Walter Grünzweig, and Dortmund students), Dortmund, Germany, January 2014.
Workshop: “Ruhr/Detroit: A Comparative Approach to Post-Industrial Regions,” Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden, November 2012.
German-American Student Workshop in Urban Planning: “Military Urbanism,” Dortmund, May 2013, Jury Member.
Commentary: “Detroits Demontage—Was bleibt wenn die Industrie geht?,” (Deconstructing Detroit—what remains after the industry?) Week of Justice, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Berlin, November 2012.
Reading: “High Culture, Low Culture: The Dortmund Westend,” LODE-PORT – International Excellence School of Innovative Approaches in Regeneration Planning and Design of Low Density Urbanized Polycentric Regions in Transformation, TU Dortmund University, September 2012.
Workshop with Walter Grünzweig and Meagan Elliott: “Cultural Landscape Ruhr Identity,” LODE-PORT – International Excellence School of Innovative Approaches in Regeneration Planning and Design of Low Density Urbanized Polycentric Regions in Transformation, TU Dortmund University, September 2012.
Exhibition: “Ruhr|Ruin Porn?,” TU Dortmund University, July – October 2012, curator.
Co-organizer: German program for Elizabeth Rosner (author/Berkeley, CA) to Germany, April 2012, moderator of a conversation between Elizabeth Rosner and Dortmund students.
Workshop with Walter Grünzweig: “Dialogic Teaching in the Intercultural Classroom,” Education Day, Haagse Hogeschool, The Hague, Netherlands, November 2011.
Co-organizer: German program for Senator George McGovern to Germany, October 2011.
Workshop: “Interkulturelle Kompetenz durch Kulturelle Bildung?” (Developing Intercultural Competence through Arts Education), Dortmund, September 2011.
Workshop: “Urbane Landwirtschaft – eine Alternative für NRW?“ (Urban Agriculture - an Option for Northrhine Westphalia?), Aachen, May 2011.
Workshop: “Foster Global Citzenship through the Arts.” Transatlantic Dialogue: Living Culture in the University, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, May 2011.
Exhibition: “Auf den zweiten Blick: Architektur der Nachkriegszeit in NRW.” (Architecture of the Postwar Period in North Rhine-Westphalia) in the “Dortmunder U – Center for Arts and Creativity”, September 2010 – November 2010, co-organizer.
Exhibition: “U-Westend: Ein Stadtteil im Dortmunder U.” (U-Westend: An Urban Area in the Dortmunder U) in the “Dortmunder U – Center for Arts and Creativity”, July – September 2010, co-organizer.
Workshop: “Walking in the Westend: The Transformation of an Urban Wasteland into a Creative Space,” Space Collective, Dortmund, June 2010.
Panel Moderator: “Creative Cities—Framing Creative Spaces”, CultureEntrepreneurshipForum, Dortmund, June 2010.
Exhibition: “tu|kultur”– Eröffnungsausstellung der Fakultäten der Technischen Universität Dortmund (Opening Exhibition of the Faculties of TU Dortmund University) in the Dortmunder U – Center for Arts and Creativity, May – July 2010, co-organizer.
Exhibition: “Creative Spaces – A Metropolis in the Making,” Faculty of Culture Studies, TU Dortmund University, October 2009, co-organizer with Sina Nitzsche.
Workshop: “Culture, Politics and Society in the American South.” Fridjof Nansen Akademie, Ingelheim, Germany, November 2009.
Reading Performance with students: “Our Hell in High Water” about Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, Dortmund, February 2009 and June 2009.
Member, Global Young Faculty III, a network of excellent junior scholars in the Ruhr Region supported by the MERCATOR foundation, 2013-2015.
Fellow, Salzburg Global Seminar in American Studies, 2011 and 2013.
Member, DGfA.
- Member, Modern Language Association.
Member,Global Diplomacy Lab
Member,Edith Wharton Society