Prof. Dr. Fahri Öz
Visiting Scholar
Emil-Figge-Str. 50 | R. 0.415
Office hours:
by appointment

Fahri Öz is a Philipp Schwartz Initiative fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation). He has an MA from Ankara University and PhD from Middle-East Technical University, Türkiye. He has taught various courses such as Introduction to Poetry, 20th Century British Poetry, 19th Century American Prose and Poetry, Cultural Studies, and Translation.
After signing the Academic for Peace declaration, Öz was dismissed in 2017 from his position at Ankara University. He lectured at the University of Iowa and Northwestern Universities in the USA as a visiting scholar between 2021 and 2023.
Öz has translated the works of authors such as Christina Rossetti, Jack London, Saki, William Burroughs, and Bob Dylan among others. He co-translated and co-edited a short story anthology titled Hayat Kısa Proust Uzun (Life is Short, Proust is Long). He published in 2019 a collection of poetry called Meşrutiyet Çok Bulutlu On Beş Santigrat Yağmur Olasılığı Sıfır.
Fahri Öz has translated Walt Whitman’s complete “death-bed” edition of Leaves of Grass into Turkish. He has also been rendering into Turkish the complete poems of Emily Dickinson.
He is currently working on a book project that focuses on Walt Whitman’s reception in Turkey.
Journal Articles:
“Drum-Taps: Whitman's Problematic Legacy as a War Poet.” Kobe ACAH LibrAsia 2016. Official Conference Proceedings
Apotheosis of Mortal Man: Stellar and Terrestrial Imagery in Dylan Thomas’s Poetry. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 15 (4), (2016). 1044-1053. DOI: 10.21547/jss.265483
“Apothéose de l'homme mortel: Images terrestres et stellaires dans la poésie de Dylan Thomas”. Lire Et Relire Dylan Thomas N° 2 – 2015 Cycnos n°3. Responsables du numéro : Christian Gutleben, Pascale Sardin. 57-78.
“Narrative Fragments and Story-Telling in Samuel Beckett’s Endgame” DTCF Dergisi Cilt: 52 Sayı: 2, 2012.
“Yeni Bir Yazınsal Tür Olarak Çok-Kısa Öykü” [The Very Short Story as a New Genre] Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (2008 issue 2): 111-130.
“Aurora Leigh’de Türsel Birleşim ve Melezlik” [Generic Fusion and Hibridity in Aurora Leigh] Ankara Üniversitesi DTCF Dergisi. Cilt: 44 Sayı: 2 Sayfa (2004): 110-130.
Articles in edited volumes:
“Robert Frost: Amerika’nın Son Kır Şairi” (Robert Frost: The Last Pastoral American Poet) Doğu Batı: Modern Batı Şiiri. Sayı 108: Şiirin Evrensel Poetikası. Ankara, 2024.
“Metafizik Şairler: 17. Yüzyıl Donne Ekolü” (Metaphysical Poets: The Donne School). Doğu Batı Sayı 101: Klasik Dünya Şiiri. Ankara, 2022. Pp. 263-280.
“Shakespeare: Sone Sanatı” (Shakespeare: The Art of the Sonnet) Doğu Batı Sayı 101: Klasik Dünya Şiiri. Ankara, 2022. pp. 281-296
“Dickinson ve Whitman: Modern Amerikan Şiirinin Kurucuları” (Dickinson and Whitman: Founders of Modern American Poetry) Doğu Batı Sayı 102: Modern Batı Şiiri-I. Ankara, 2023.
“Performative Lyric Voice and Refrain as an Architectonic Element in Bob Dylan”. Tearing the World Apart: Bob Dylan and the Twenty-First Century (American Made Music Series). Nina Goss and Eric Hoffman (eds). University Press of Mississippi, 2017. (134-150)
“Wild Wavering: Between Pastoral and Elegy” Thomas Hardy, Poet: New Perspectives by Adrina Grafe (Author, Editor), Laurence Estanova (Editor) (Jefferson: McFarland, 2015) 44-60.
“Romantik Şiirde Londra: “Kara Şeytani Değirmenler”le Gizli Cennet Arasında”. [London in Romnatic Poetry] Batı Kültür ve Edebiyatlarında Romantizm, Kaya, Kılıçer, Altaylı (Ed.). (Ankara: Ankara Üni., 2014). (135-145)
“Aydınlanma Dönemi Londrası”. [London During the Enlightenment] Batı Kültür ve Edebiyatlarında Aydınlanma, Arvasi, Eroğlu, Nalamir, Karasubaşı (Ed.). (Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 2013). (135-145)
“Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti: Lyric Expression and Evasion of Publicity”. Studies in English: Proceedings from the 6th International IDEA Conference, Patrick Hart (Ed.) Istanbul: Istanbul Kültür University, 2012. 252-262.
“‘To Take Were to Purloin’: Sexuality in the Narrative Poems by Christina Rossetti”. Barfoot, C. C., ed. And Never Know the Joy: Sex and the Erotic in English Poetry. DQR Studies in Literature 36. Rodopi: Amsterdam and NY, 2006.