Georgie Fehringer

Emil-Figge-Str. 50 , Room 0.415
+49 231 755 7926
Office hours:
after appointment
About me: Georgie Fehringer is a creative essayist, a Publisher’s Weekly book reviewer, and a visiting lecturer in American Cultural Studies at TU Dortmund (2023-2024). Their work is interested in New Narrative writing, poetic prose, creative nonfiction and cross-genre themes, as well as Black and queer narratives. Their writing has appeared in The Rumpus, Black Warrior Review, TIMBER, and The Chicago Review of Books, among others. They received a BA in creative writing from The Evergreen State College and an MFA from the University of Iowa’s Nonfiction Writing Program.
New Narrative, creative nonfiction, creative writing, experimental prose
Underrepresented Minority Thesis Fellowship, The Nonfiction Writing Program, The University of Iowa
Virtual Writer in Residence, Melbourne City of Literature, The Melbourne Emerging Writers Festival
MFA Summer Fellowship, Graduate College, The University of Iowa
Buckley Fellowship, The Nonfiction Writing Program, The University of Iowa
Iowa Arts Fellowship, Graduate College, The University of Iowa
Evergreen State College Capstone Grant, The Evergreen State College
Literary Journals
Fehringer, Georgie. “My Bullet, He’s Come Home.” Speculative Nonfiction, Forthcoming
Fehringer, Georgie. “Everyone Knows Utopia Means No Place.” Obsidian, 2023. 105-108.
Fehringer, Georgie. “Here.” Black Warrior Review 48.1, 2022. 103-112. 2022/01/Here-by-Georgie-Fehringer.pdf
Fehringer, Georgie. “The River Took Her” BRINK No.2, 2021. 135-136.
Fehringer, Georgie. “U ; I.” TIMBER, 2021.
Fehringer, Georgie. “A Last Name.” The Amistad. 25-28.
Book Reviews & Interviews
Fehringer, Georgie. “Q & A with Zion Clark and James Hirsch.” Publishers Weekly, 2023
Fehringer, Georgie. “Daydreams of Blackness.” The Rumpus, 2022.
Fehringer, Georgie. “It Does Not Give Answers: On Caren Beilin’s ‘Revenge of the Scapegoat.’” Cleveland Review of Books, 2022).
Fehringer, Georgie. “Into the Dark and Unnerving.” Chicago Review of Books, 2021.
Fehringer, Georgie. “Investigations of Scale.” Entropy, 2021.
Craft Essays
Fehringer, Georgie. “An Invitation to the Carnival: On Experimental Writing.” The Emerging Writers Festival, Melbourne, 2022.
Fehringer, Georgie. “The Poetics of Space Making: A Self-Guided Writing Workshop.” The Melbourne Emerging Writers Festival, 2022.
Fehringer, Georgie. “Fleshing Out the Scene: Navigating Research-Based Memoir.” Eleventh Hour, University of Iowa, 2023, Iowa City. Lecture.
Fehringer, Georgie. “Experimental Black Writers and Poetics.” Introduction to African American Culture, 2022, The University of Iowa. Lecture.
Fehringer, Georgie. “U ; I.” Craft Critique Culture, The University of Iowa, 2022, Iowa City. Presenter.
Summer 2024
Contemporary American Absurdism
The Places They Love: The Cultures of the Major American Regions
Winter 2023
The History of Queer Identity-Making in the US: From the AIDS Epidemic to Today
Mass Youth Culture in Post-9/11 America
Fall 2022
Intro to Creative Nonfiction (The University of Iowa)
Spring 2021
Intro to African American Culture (The University of Iowa)
Fall 2021
Me, Myselves & I: Interpretation of Literature (The University of Iowa)